Les quarantièmes rugissants
Les quarantièmes rugissants

Les quarantièmes rugissants

Release date 1982 Adventure . 97 min

Julien Dantec, an electronics specialist, decides to sail in the solo boat race around the world. Encouraged by Barnal, his backer, Julien enters the race although he is insufficiently prepared and is quickly outdistanced. However Barnal falsifies the boat's real position and reports Julien in the lead. Caught up in the hoax, Julien quits the official route and sets sail directly for Cape Horn. However Julien can no longer bear living the lie and slowly goes mad

A film by  Christian DE CHALONGE
With Julie CHRISTIE, Jacques PERRIN, Michel SERRAULT, Gila VON WEITERHAUSEN, Heinz WEISS, Jean LEUVRAIS, François PERROT, Christian FERRY, Bernard LINCOT, Eric RAPHAËL, Solenn MORANE, Mohamed JALLOH, Guy PARIGOT, Sébastien KERAN, René DUPRÉ, André BRUNELIN, Serge FEUILLET, Jean LE HIR, Michel JESTIN, Françoise DE CHALONGE, Pol LE GUEN, Robin RENUCCI, Sylvain GREEN, Maurice VALLIER Read more
scriptwriter  André BRUNELIN

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Les quarantiemes rugissants

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