La Fayette
La Fayette


( La Fayette )

Erscheinungsdatum 1962 Historien . 154 min

In 1776, young Marquis de La Fayette weds the daughter of the Duke d'Ayen, Adrienne. Sympathetic to the rebellion of the colonists in the United States, La Fayette meets Silas Deane in Paris. He was sent by the rebels' Constitutional Convention and then by Franklin himself. Won over to their cause, he takes leave of the Royal Army and departs to fight in America.

 Ein Film  Jean DRÉVILLE
Mit  Michel LE ROYER, Pascale AUDRET, Jack HAWKINS, Folco LULLI, Wolfgang PREISS, Liselotte PULVER, Edmund PURDOM, Rosana SCHIAFFINO, Georges RIVIÈRE, Howard ST. JOHN, Vittorio DE SICA, Orson WELLES Weiterlesen
 Regisseur*  Jean BERNARD-LUC, Suzanne ARDUINI
 Dialogist  François PONTHIER, Jean BERNARD-LUC

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