Vent d'est
Vent d'est

East wind

( Vent d'est )

Year of production 1969 Dramatic Comedy . 100 min

The story line, clichés and stereotypes of the standard Western film are the backdrop for musings on the class struggle, revolutionary theory and practice, and the demystification of bourgeois cinema.

 A film by  Jean-Luc GODARD, Jean-Pierre GORIN
With  Gian-Maria VOLONTE, Anne WIAZEMSKY, Paolo POZZESI, Christiana TULLIO ALTAN, Allan MIDGETTE, Daniel COHN-BENDIT, Georges GOTZ, Ryck BOYD, Marco FERRERI, Glauber ROCHA Read more
 scriptwriter  Jean-Luc GODARD, Sergio BAZZINI, Daniel COHN-BENDIT

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Vent d'Est
Vent d'Est
VENT D'EST - Still
Vent d'Est
Vent d'Est
Vent d'Est